Facebook pages are one of the key features when engaging your company in social media. It is a simple way to get up and running in a very limited time. This post is the first in a series about Facebook Fan Pages. The index for this tutorial will be listed under the Social Media option in the top navigation.
First Create your Facebook page, then think what to do with it
The first lesson of social media is to never think about what you do in social media. Just do it, test it, and obide to the general rules of being nice and transparent with your intentions. No one know what fans you will get before you actually take the first step. You do get the fans you deserve. If you have a successful business online and/or offline, you will find loads of similarities in the social web. It is a lot more like traditional business than what you are used to from the static web.
1. Fist step: Page creation and account setup
Start out by visiting the advertising entry page of Facebook. Make sure you have logged out from your private, personal account first. Otherwise your private account will have a never ending relationship with the Facebook page you’re creating. All though that might be a good thing in a couple of years, if you’re successful, as it can serve as a good card to pull when negotiating salaries. I would however not recommend it as it might be so that the legal process will determine that you have to leave your private account to the company rather than the company leaving its page to you. It all depends on jurisdiction though. So you check the laws and decide – ok?

In this tutorial I expect that you work with the best interest of your company in your mind, and thus make sure you are logged out of Facebook before continuing.
First thing you should do now is to click the green option button ”Create Page”. You’ll reach a page where you will be asked to choose what type of business you are.
The drop downs are pretty long. But start out by selecting what best describes your Pages purpose on Facebook. They provide you with three options:
Artist/Band/Public Figure
If you are just starting out you should probably just register your brand. Select the brand option and then select the vertical that suits you the best.
Later on you might create a page for your CEO, for a certain local store or for some other purpose that fits the other categories. For now however, settle with one page as this will be the hub for your communication on Facebook and I am guessing you don’t have the organization to support anything more extensive. (wow that was a long sentence)
Below this option there is a field where you select the page name. This is actually the only thing you have to think carefully of as it is quite difficult to edit once it has been choosen.
REMEMBER to check the option ”Do not make Page publicly visible at this time”. It is no biggie, but you should be aware of this option as your page will go public if you don’t check it and you might want to test some things out first.
2. Create your Facebook Page – Then your Page profile
This is where many people go wrong. Pay attention to this part. You will eventually have to create a normal Facebook account that is connected to your Facebook Page. This profile should be a real person, it doesn’t have to be you, but according to Facebook’s rules, this person has to exist.
Now you’re thinking… but who should I be then? Everyone on my working place already has a Facebook account? Well, the way to do this is to create your work persona. It is still you, but it is you at work. You use your own name, your own picture, your own birth date and other information, but it is NOT your private account. The account is owned by your job. You could give the person your first name and then the brand as a second name. However… the important thing here is that you make it a person.
Just lie at the first option saying that you don’t yet have a Facebook account. And DO not let your Agency do this for you. They will make themselves stick by connecting one profile to your page.
Check the option for having read the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy and then Click Sign up now. As you will notice you will have to confirm your e-mail address. This means that an e-mail has been sent to your inbox and you will have to click a link in that e-mail to continue. If you do not receive an e-mail within one hour. Check your spam e-mail inbox or your junk e-mail inbox. These types of messages might end up there if you have a strict IT-department. Once it arrives it should look something like this:
3. Your Facebook Page is created, Now you have to give it some flare
Now you’ve set up the basic account information for your Facebook Page and you are on the verge of taking your first step into social media mania. YEY!! But we still have a lot to do before we are done with the setup.
4. Setting up your Facebook Profile for your Page
Your Facebook Page pretty much looks like this once you’ve clicked the link in your e-mail and reached the page of your choice. First thing to do now is to click the option in the top left hand corner to create a Facebook Profile. That is a normal signup procedure. Nothing fancy with that. The only thing is that I would recommend you use a picture of yourself with the icon of your company in the bottom right hand, or in the bottom third of your image. That way people will understand that this is your work account if let’s say two accounts that are both you would show up in a search, when your lost friend from kindergarden is searching for you. (you know the one who had a crush on you and still haven’t got over you… sick person… reject… )
Oh yeah.. they will ask you to add your first friend during the profile registration. Just skip that section for now. This profile will not be visible to anyone if you don’t gain any friends or if you aren’t active with it. Don’t add anyone just yet. You will in the future where I describe the use of a Facebook Profile. But for now keep this as is. On the bottom right hand side of the squares with forms, you’ll find the option ”Skip this step”. Use that option!!
5. Returning to your Facebook Page to Edit it
Once you’ve created your profile you will be redirected to your Profile Page. THIS IS NOT your company Facebook Page. Many people don’t get this and start editing the profile as though it was the corporate page. NO NO…
What you should do now is to either use the option to see all your pages in the bottom left of your screen window.
Or you can use the top right search field and start typing the name of your page. What ever you prefer will do the trick. Just remember not to press enter when you see your page appear as below. Use your pointer to click the page that appears. Otherwise you will come to a search result where your page will not be visible as it is not visible yet. (Remember the visibility setting)
6. Editing your Facebook Page – Main settings
Once you return to your Facebook Page it will look like the one displayed above. Now you’ll have to start editing it or people will highly dislike it simply because it’s UUUGLY. The Edit Page option can be found on your left hand side just under your Page logo or Page image.
Once you reach the Edit Page mode you’ll see many panes in front of you. Just click the option ”Edit” on each one of them to make them unfold what they have inside .
7. Selecting where your Brand Facebook Page is from
Now you will reach a page with a lot of settings. For now however you’ll just have to take care of a couple of them.
You can choose to publish your page at this time. But I just wouldn’t. You’re not done. For now, I would just enter the country where you want your page to be most visible and then select the age a person has to be to view your page. If you’re doing anything that might be considered illegal for kids in some country, then I suggest you make the allowed age for your Facebook Page older than PG13. Once you’re done, then click ”Save changes”.
8. Selecting your Facebook Page Wall settings
Now it is time to set your Facebook Page Wall settings. Important to note here is that some companies only let themselves post material on their wall. Others let the users post material. One thing to keep in mind is that it is only the things YOU post on the wall that is shared on the walls of your Page’s Fans. This means that if a user posts something, it is only seen on the wall. Since most interaction happens on the News flow of a users home page, and NOT on your wall, you will have plenty of time to take away bad posts or spammy posts put up there by users.
I like transparency and thus I select the option ”Posts by Page and Fans”. Remember to teach your fans what kind of comments you remove and what kind of comments you let be. A good thing is to remove curse words, but keep bad stuff about you. Your protectors will protect you. Trust in your fans baby… trust in your fans… If someone posts something nasty, then your fans will make sure that user is taught a lesson. That is ofcourse if you don’t beat them to it and you school that person back to prehistoric ages. Unless you’ve actually done something bad, in which case you apologize and do better next time. If not, all hell will rain on you.
Second option is easier. Always choose wall here. People want to see activity and interaction. If they didn’t they would go to your boring website instead. I mean.. DUUDE this is Facebook… the ultimate heaven of interaction. Thus you should stay with the pre set Wall option here.
Next options are more difficult to say. I would probably allow them all to start with. If there is a lot of abuse, then I would remove the option where the abuse takes place.
I generally tend not to edit my page any more than this. It is enough to have these settings to start with. Later I will write a post on How to Extend your page. Come to think of it that should be my next post. I will list what applications you should add to the page in order to customize it and make the most of your business on Facebook. One thing to have a look at in the bottom of the Edit page view are the suggested applications. I would add them all to the page.
The instructions on how to do this are pretty clear. I will describe it in the next post if it would be any problem for you. So just keep in touch and we’ll get that sorted.
Browse through the other options available but you can leave them as they are by default.
9. Moving on to the visual stuff
Now it is time to change the logo of your Facebook Page. Go back to your Page’s main page by clicking the link in the top of your Edit page view. Click the View Page option and you’re set to go.
Now it is time to add your page’s logo. This is done by hovering the empty image displayed as default.
Click the option Change Picture and select if you want to upload, take a picture or select one from the image gallery. The upload might not display your logo at once. Give it approximately 5 minutes in it will have put the logo you wanted in there.
10. Editing the Info Tab of the Facebook Page
You will see that the Info Tab of the Facebook Page is selected by default right now. Not the Wall setting as you had put it in the edit page view. This is Facebook’s way of telling you that you need to edit this informaion. Just click the Edit option available on the left hand side and write what your page is all about. Remember to write any rules you have for your page such as; ”Be kind or be dead” or perhaps ”We expect you to be 18+, if your not, please leave”. Anything that set the terms of your page as well as writes the goals of your engagement in social media.
Remember!! Transparency doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to tell everyone what everything. Just tell them what your intentions are and you’ll be fine with that.
If you find any of the options as difficult to fill in. Just don’t. You’ll be able to edit this a thousand times in the future and you will find a purpose for each field. Campaigns, cupons, offers, yada yada… anything goes as long as you tell people why you’re doing it. The options presented to you are there as a result of what vertical you said you were in. As I said I was a TV Show I get quite funny options to select from. As you can see below you don’t have to ”follow the rules”.
11. Making your first Facebook Page update
Once this is done. You press ”Save Changes” and you are DONE!! Now click the Wall tab of your page’s top navigation and go back to the wall page to write your first update. Remember to try out and post a link, a photo and all the other things before you go ahead and publish the page. You don’t want to end up looking like a fool because you did it the wrong way later on.
To post other things than a status update you simply click one of the icons below the status update field. If you want to know what the different options mean, just hover one of them with your screen pointer.
Publishing your Facebook PageOnce this is done you go ahead and publish the Page by clicking the link visible in the top of the page. You’ll probably also have to go back to the option in the Edit Page view and change that to a published state. (Remember the image from above.)
SOO.. Congratulations to you!! You’ve just created your first Facebook Page. You can now play around with all the options and have some fun. In the next blog post on this topic I’ll dig into how you can extend your Facebook Page.


There are a couple of things we need to cover before you start here. First of all I provide specific instructions for each link, follow them for best results. Second if it is a blog that means any post on this blog will do, pick another one for better results (less outgoing links). That’s about it, dig in and watch your site go nuts in SE rankings!

Please note, links with the ‘**’ after the number are NoFollow, all others are DoFollow!

Auto Approved .GOV Backlinks:

  1. **http://wiki.cio.ny.gov/w/index.php?title=Special:UserLogin&type=signup&returnto=Main_Page Sign up for account here, then return to the wiki and choose ‘random page’ to find something to edit. Just drop your URL with anchor text here [http://www.yoursite.com anchor text] format.
  2. http://gis.utah.gov/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=registers Register here. Be sure to add your link in the ‘website’ field during registration. Confirm your email and your profile will go live with your backlink at the forum (http://gis.utah.gov/gisforum/).
  3. http://www.daculaga.gov/policy.asp Register here. Then return to the forums @

http://www.daculaga.gov/fhome.asp. Make a relevant post and use an anchor text link as a sort of signature at the end.

  1. http://townhall.virginia.gov/L/Comments.cfm?stageid=5089 Comment here and link to your anchor text in the comment.
  2. http://forums.info.usaid.gov/?boardid=procurement&Register=yes&action=8 Register here. Edit your profile to include your link in the proper field.
  3. http://community2.business.gov/t5/What-is-one-effective-tactic-you/order-EVERYTHING-online-to-save-money/idi-p/8285#A4 Register then post a comment here.
  4. http://ibis.wi.gov/CSForums/user/CreateUser.aspx?ReturnUrl=/CSForums/forums/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=59 Register and make a post on the forum with your backlinks and anchor text as signature.
  5. http://web.aging.sc.gov/forums/ucp.php?mode=register Register for these forums. As you can see there is not moderation so feel free to make a full thread hyping your backlinks (with anchor text).
  6. http://irp.idaho.gov/EditModule.aspx?tabid=679&forumid=3&postid=233&view=topic&def=Register Register here and drop links, at the end of your post like a signature. In addition feel free to add a link to your profile!

10. ** http://ptp.hud.gov/forumswww/main.cfm?CFID=6297797&CFTOKEN=47838801&CFApp=58& Register here then make a post and drop some links.

11. https://isis.astrogeology.usgs.gov/IsisSupport/index.php?PHPSESSID=bfkq69dv0fmjih53u64up2v6v3av1gsg&action=register Register here and add your link to your profile. You may make an on topic post to get your profile link indexed more quickly.

12. http://blogs.nasa.gov/cm/blog/FIRST%20Robotics%20Team%201868.blog/posts/post_1232059585953.html Just drop your links in the comment’s body with anchor text, be as spammy as you like there is no moderation!

13. http://www.performancesolutions.nc.gov/forums/Default.aspx?g=register Register here and add a link to your profile. Again just make a relevant post for faster indexing.

14. http://www.calepa.ca.gov/Forums/registration_rules.asp?FID=0 Register here. This forum has no posts so just add a link to your profile and let it get crawled, you can always build a backlink to it to get it indexed faster but do not post in this forum!

Auto Approved .EDU Backlinks:

  1. http://www.wcl.american.edu/pijip/go/blog-post/patent-lecture-nyu-professor-rochelle-dreyfuss-lecture-now-posted
  2. http://blog.shimer.edu/shimer/2009/10/the-fall-macaws.html
  3. http://www.salle.url.edu:81/cotxes/blog/index.php/component/user/?task=register Register here for forums. (Is in Spanish, first two fields username, then email and last two are password). Now simply login and make a post. This forum is not moderated so feel free to drop lots of text in your post to make your link contextually relevant for some extra juice.
  4. http://id.ome.ksu.edu/blog/2009/oct/26/transitory-digital-documents/
  5. http://law.baylor.edu/blog/post/Never-a-Dull-Moment-at-the-Law-School%21.aspx
  6. http://sci.rutgers.edu/forum/register.php?s=0d2fb1b3239c9c257eb5cd0a72a05840 Register here then edit your profile to add your URL in the website field. You may also add links with anchor text in your signature.
  7. http://forum.buffalostate.edu/index.php?s=2acacdcdf67617b3e87db1978ab81434&act=Reg&CODE=00 Register here. Edit your ‘profile’ page and add your URL in the proper field.
  8. http://www.math.uaa.alaska.edu/~afkjm/techteach/?q=node/75#comments
  9. http://corot.dmca.yale.edu/~dmca/forum.cgi?register Register here. Edit your profile and stick your link in the website field.
  10. http://prometheus.scp.rochester.edu/ursds/user/register?destination=node/70%2523commentform Register here. Then return to the blog (http://prometheus.scp.rochester.edu/ursds/blog) and add a comment (show/hide comments). Use anchor text in comment body with link.
  11. http://mgl.scripps.edu/forum/index.php?sid=295f86c33d276871df3e5fb49055a131 Register here. Login now and go to ‘user control panel’ and then ‘profile’. Just stick you link in there and it is good to go.

1) http://www.google.com/adwords

3) https://www.widgetbucks.com/registr...age?action=call

4) http://www.adsvert.com/

5) http://dclickads.com/webmasters_get_started.php

6) http://www.text-link-ads.com/

7) http://www.fum.us/

8) http://www.chitika.com

9) http://www.adengage.com/sellads_tour.cfm?page=7

10) http://www.etology.com

11) http://www.adtoll.com

12) http://www.clicksor.com/pub/publish...enuesharing.php

13) http://shoppingads.com/

14) http://bidvertiser.com

15) http://www.adbrite.com

I have used that as well as adtoll, adwords, and adbrite, and all are better than bidvertiser.

US Phone Number

Posted by cclife |

Get your own USA phone number that rings in your home country , just using internet line and PC for FREE . ( example of US virtual phone number : +1 360 254 6878 )
With USA Virtual phone number you`ll get :
1- Your own U.S Telephone number even if you are living outside USA for FREE.2- Receive Free unlimited international phone calls.3- Receive FREE voice messages from any worldwide landline / mobile phone to your email.
Make unlimited FREE phone calls to USA and Canada .The next few pages will teach you how to get your own PRIVATE and FREE phone number in US whereyou can receive voice messages and calls .
You’ll receive this call Just using internet line and PC anywhere in the world . The USA/Canada residents will callyou at their local tariff rate using their own landlines & mobile phones .
Also , you can receive calls from International friends . They’ll pay their local tariff calling rate to US destination ,
or simply they can use any VOIP Pc 2 phone program like BhCall.com .
Why Do I need U.S telephone number .. ?- If you are operating website / online business and do not want to give your local/private telephone number .- If you have, or want to have, clients in the U.S then you need a US telephone number .- If you have friends/family in USA/Canada and want to receive Free international calls then you need U.S telephonenumber .
Follow the next steps / instructions in order to receive unlimted Free international phone calls & message voice delivered to your email with your private USA phone number :
Step 1 :
- Sign up for Free SIP number with VOIP.Bujula . ( Click Here To Register )
The Free SIP VOIP number will allow you to receive calls / voice phone message to your email via internet line using VOIP gateway . The SIP number will be integrated and config with you Free USA phone number ) ..close the pop up window using the CLOSE button on the top after Signing up
NOTE : The field ( pick your sip number ) . This will be your VOIP.Brujula username and also SIP number . It must start with DIGIT ( 8 ) . For ex. 89109 . If the username / SIP number was taken try again till you get non registered SIP number. Your SIP number with
VOIP.Brujula address will be like the following address .. 89109@voip.brujula.net
VOIP.Brujula will send you an activation link to your email . You must confirm your email by following the link .Important : Do not forget your Password and Voip.Brujula SIP number .
Step 2 :
The next step is Registering for FREE U.S PHONE number with IPKall . To Sign up for your Free U.S Telephone number with IPkall please ( Register here ) ..
Note : You must use your VOIP.Brujula SIP number during registration .. ( see the next Form for example )
————— Sign Up FORM example –
Choose Area code of you IPKall Number:
206 253 360 425
SIP Phone number:
SIP Proxy: (ex. fwd.pulver.com)
Email Address:
I would like a free voice mail account
# of Seconds until voice mail if no answer:
After signing up IPkall will send you an email with subject : Here is your IPkall phone number . Congratulation , Now you are almost done ..
Last Step :
You’ll need to download X-Lite soft phone . X -Lite 3.0 is a small / friendly program that enable you to receive incoming calls from U.S / international Friends .

After you download / run the X-lite program you’ll need to configure your VOIP.Brujula SIP number / password together with the X-lite program . To do so Just right click on the dialer display and select (SIP Account Settings ) option . please see the next picture .
The program will ring on your PC when any one dial your Free U.S Telephone number .
You’ll receive these calls for FREE at anywhere in the world since you are connected to internet line with PC / laptop
- Your U.S / Canadian Friends will call you using their own landline/mobile phones and pay normal U.S localcalling rate.- International Friends will pay their local international tariff rate to U.S destination .- You are going to pay absolutely NOTHING . and you’ll be able to receive calls to your US number .- Also , you are going to receive voice messages to your email when you are logged off

The Shipments companies listed below helps you to have your own/private USA street or P.o box address even if you are NOT living in United States. .

As Non US Resident you can obtain your own US based mailing address through a Mail Forwarding Company .

US Mailing Address is a real USA Address given by one of the US shipment companies ( Mail Forwarding Companies ) . This mailing address is pointed to you as non US Resident so other people / companies in USA or any other place in the world can send you any mail/item or goods to this US address.

Any item received by the shipment company on this mailing address will be FORWARDING at once to your address outside USA any where in the world .

A mailing address in United States is very useful for a number of reasons:

You can start shopping online and ask your goods to be delivered to your mailing address in the US and then to be forwarded to your international home address.
This is definitely good for some online stores or websites that don’t ship outside US. Like a lot of eBay sellers. This also is a great choice if the shipping cost is too high.
You can also use your US address to sign up with U.S services & websites these require U.S mailing Address .
Also the U.S mailing address is a good choice If you are operating a website / online business and need a virtual mailing address that your customer can use to contact you .

Start now and learn how to have your own Virtual U.S Office street address even if you are not living in USA .

Get your own US based Mailing Address As Non US Residents , by superscription with one of the following MFC ( Mail Forwarding Companies ) :
1- USA 2 me
This mail forwarding company offer a “Bronze” plan that has one time set up fee ($25) and no monthly fees. Which means, if you never receive any mail to the address, you never have to pay for the service. Of course if you do need to have mail forwarded to you there is a fee.
Make Business IN USA .
USA2Me.com can help you establish a USA Virtual Office and Virtual Address From your country even if you do not live in USA.
As a USA2Me member you will automatically be assigned a USA street address (not a PO box). Use this address not only as your mailing and shipping address, but also use it in your business cards, stationery, marketing materials, etc…
2- Access USA
This is a very high quality service. They have a one time fee and monthly or yearly subscriptions. Their shipment rates are really good. they have very low shipment rates . Specially if you are going to use their services often .
MyUS.com gives you a real US street address, allows you to receive items from any US company or person.
and ships packages from your US address to over 200 countries worldwide.
Moreover :Many US Retailers accept only US credit cards
MyUS.com buys these items for you with our Personal Shopper service
MyUS.com allows you to purchase items from EBay or any other seller.
MyUS.com sends payment to sellers via PayPal, money order, or credit card for you.
MyUS.com accepts all major credit cards, wire transfers, and checks drawn on US banks.

3- US Global mail
Different rates and services you can choose. The sign-up process is not difficult and you can ask for your goodies via normal mail at a cheap price or via express service like FedEx or DHL.

4- Lanbox ( Free U.S Address )
This service is great for people living in Latin America. They have no setup fees. However their charges are not the cheaper.
Remember that there are other services around and you should check to see if it fits your needs.

1. sex
2. business
3. travel
4. money
5. music
6. show
7. USA
8. news
9. Internet
10. health
11. Web
12. computer
13. loans
14. America
15. China
16. realestate
17. car
18. sports
19. bank
20. loan
21. info
22. free
23. law
24. my
25. stocks
26. insurance
27. TV
28. auto
29. wireless
30. biz
31. casino
32. domain
33. email
34. beauty
35. finance
36. stock
37. Japan
38. game
39. trade
40. games
41. buy
42. Europe
43. home
44. cars
45. net
46. mortgage
47. shop
48. software
49. food
50. tax
51. shopping
52. DVD
53. NewYork
54. US
55. medical
56. jobs
57. Korea
58. drugs
59. art
60. love
61. movies
62. movie
63. auction
64. hotel
65. weather
66. books
67. Canada
68. search
69. mail
70. world
71. online
72. India
73. porn
74. golf
75. Asia
76. homes
77. pc
78. medicine
79. www
80. xxx
81. computers
82. WallStreet
83. football
84. sales
85. video
86. fashion
87. gambling
88. California
89. lawyer
90. Mexico
91. market
92. book
93. sport
94. LasVegas
95. UK
96. hot
97. marketing
98. Hollywood
99. film
100. job
101. mobile
102. wine
103. credit
104. IT
105. holiday
106. gold
107. sell
108. security
109. Australia
110. design
111. HongKong
112. MP3
113. com
114. cool
115. sale
116. Africa
117. porno
118. Germany
119. legal
120. find
121. help
122. media
123. cash
124. drug
125. b2b
126. commerce
127. network
128. cinema
129. go
130. best
131. ecommerce
132. autos
133. gay
134. stockmarket
135. ebusiness
136. England
137. college
138. Register
139. Brazil
140. France
141. phone
142. Thailand
143. tickets
144. ticket
145. diet
146. radio
147. women
148. doctor
149. LA
150. banking
151. broadband
152. consulting
153. entertainment
154. fitness
155. soccer
156. creditcard
157. baseball
158. tennis
159. jewelry
160. technology
161. Advertising
162. toys
163. Webdesign
164. house
165. employment
166. LosAngeles
167. Chinese
168. London
169. domains
170. hardware
171. Hawaii
172. English
173. Florida
174. flowers
175. global
176. hosting
177. Indonesia
178. Taiwan
179. fishing
180. financial
181. adult
182. the
183. fun
184. directory
185. pharmacy
186. girl
187. Italy
188. investment
189. basketball
190. chat
191. tech
192. healthcare
193. mutualfunds
194. Webhosting
195. hotels
196. Tokyo
197. tour
198. kids
199. live
200. family
201. city
202. boy
203. photo
204. Chicago
205. American
206. top
207. cruise
208. broker
209. accounting
210. pro
211. girls
212. lawyers
213. toy
214. Texas
215. information
216. rent
217. sexy
218. education
219. Paris
220. cancer
221. digital
222. engineering
223. test
224. baby
225. bonds
226. auctions
227. lottery
228. forsale
229. woman
230. God
231. Turkey
232. Christmas
233. divorce
234. ad
235. club
236. gifts
237. delivery
238. Russia
239. all
240. wedding
241. bio
242. attorney
243. hockey
244. CD
245. taxes
246. vacation
247. Euro
248. shipping
249. Argentina
250. mall
251. NewZealand
252. gas
253. invest
254. Spain
255. television
256. restaurant
257. construction
258. university
259. map
260. press
261. trading
262. capital
263. HK
264. realty
265. genome
266. retirement
267. Singapore
268. Alaska
269. coffee
270. company
271. drugstore
272. oil
273. furniture
274. pets
275. diamond
276. biotech
277. get
278. Islam
279. bankruptcy
280. 3g
281. pop
282. antiques
283. holidays
284. gift
285. cards
286. career
287. beer
288. fly
289. NYC
290. life
291. ski
292. school
293. Washington
294. pussy
295. commercial
296. casinos
297. beautiful
298. dogs
299. DNA
300. people
301. Boston
302. Malaysia
303. air
304. Cuba
305. cooking
306. your
307. tourist
308. play
309. pizza
310. office
311. first
312. diamonds
313. water
314. PDA
315. power
316. Madrid
317. student
318. new
319. Seattle
320. Microsoft
321. 401k
322. big
323. Asian
324. biotechnology
325. bible
326. audio
327. hospital
328. name
329. electronics
330. telecom
331. Istanbul
332. men
333. Chile
334. personal
335. personalinjury
336. airline
337. theater
338. Miami
339. investing
340. NZ
341. energy
342. international
343. restaurants
344. doctors
345. more
346. cosmetics
347. cats
348. cat
349. WAP
350. 3d
351. general
352. dot
353. maps
354. government
355. flower
356. Switzerland
357. consumer
358. realtor
359. apartment
360. research
361. NY
362. photography
363. Israel
364. host
365. exchange
366. CN
367. management
368. flight
369. cellular
370. models
371. jazz
372. model
373. Arizona
374. traffic
375. whois
376. emoney
377. dating
378. Atlanta
379. Ireland
380. corporate
381. CA
382. ABC
383. Seoul
384. time
385. hair
386. lotto
387. banks
388. pet
389. SanFrancisco
390. download
391. ebiz
392. Holland
393. clubs
394. vitamins
395. Virginia
396. export
397. express
398. healthinsurance
399. blackjack
400. Greece
401. hobbies
402. silver
403. work
404. UnitedStates
405. success
406. dog
407. erotic
408. etrade
419. man
410. architecture
411. domainnames
412. boat
413. Massachusetts
414. property
415. smart
416. trademark
417. gaming
418. gamble
419. happy
420. consultant
421. arts
422. creditcards
423. CPA
424. newspaper
425. no
426. apartments
427. sound
428. Arab
429. monkey
430. Webmaster
431. cafe
432. HTML
433. in
434. venture
435. franchise
436. lesbian
437. financing
438. fish
439. Houston
440. VietNam
441. style
442. patent
443. camera
444. Amsterdam
445. bet
446. networks
447. stockbroker
448. date
449. wines
450. cyber
451. vacations
452. Finland
453. ISP
454. kid
455. party
456. Alabama
457. trucks
458. Barcelona
459. angel
460. shoes
461. space
462. star
463. start
464. sun
465. Idaho
466. Egypt
467. Shanghai
468. on
469. politics
470. account
471. md
472. med
473. lease
474. Lebanon
475. lifeinsurance
476. Iran
477. Jakarta
478. ebuy
479. homepage
480. fax
481. Georgia
482. astrology
483. cruises
484. yes
485. airlines
486. good
487. land
488. nutrition
489. virtual
490. camping
491. master
492. computing
493. domainname
494. discount
495. multimedia
496. psychology
497. Rome
498. motorcycle
499. orange
500. data

There are a few banks who offer non-residents to open a bank account in the USA.
Most of the cases he/she have to visit the bank with passport or any other proper identification documents.
To prevent identity theft, identity fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing, etc., RBI had all banks and financial institutions to establish a policy framework to know their customers before opening any account that known as (KYC - Know Your Customer).
This means that foreign banks may be an offshore account for non-residents, if they check and verify their cleints identical / activities and this is one of the main reasons why we have difficulties to foreign bank account or in the U.S. or Europe.
The 3 banks who allow nonresidents easily to open an account

1. Wells fargo Bank
Wells Fargo is one of the biggest Banks in USA that can provide IPB ( International Personal Banking ) for Non-Resident . This is Not an easy account to open for foreigners and also it can not be used just for PayPal and ecommerce money transfer purpose . It’ll take some time and strict paper work to open an account with Wells-Fargo, also a signature verification process is required to verify your identity/signature with the bank. I believe this is wont be a problem if you are running a legitimate business/activity .
Identification Documents Required :
- Copy of Passport- Copy of National Identity Card/Driver License- Signature card verification- You will need to attach the most recent 3 months bank statements and 2 bank reference letters from your local bank.
Follow the following steps in order to open an account with Wells Fargo :
1- Visit the Wells Fargo
IPB landing page . Apply for the account by filling-up the online application form , and print it out
2- Also print out the signature card form and the service agreement
Signature Verification Process
To verify your signature, it has to be done by one of these three ways:
1- SWIFT message type 199 send by your bank.2- Signature verified by San Francisco IPB office or Hong Kong IPB office.3- Signature notarized by US Embassy or Consulate.
For choice #1, visit your local bank and ask them if the Swift message type 199 is available( Most of the bank officers have never heard of SWIFT message type 199 before! ).
For choice #2, the best choice for Hong Kong / US residents
For choice #3, this seems like the only ’slightly’ more convenient way to do so. Given that you live near the consulate. It will cost you a fee to certify your document ( should be around USD$20 per document).

2. HSBC Bank
Having a local HSBC bank account in your country will enable you to open another account/s in any of other HSBC abroad branches either in HSBC United states or European HSBC account .
All you need to is to open local HSBC account in your country , then you have to visit your local HSBC Bank personally and to ask the customer service officer to take the necessary procedures to open another HSBC account in USA/Europe or any of other HSBC listed countries .
The officer will manage and proceed all the paperwork and relevant documents in order to open the foreign HSBC account for you .
There will be an account opening charge which is a bit high but it’s worth due to HSBC reputation, its accounts reliability in addition to trustworthy online powerful e-banking web interface.
Also initial deposit and monthly / annual charges may occur depending on the balance and transactions charges on the foreign currency account. Details for the charges can be viewed at HSBC website at ( Tariff and Charges menu )

3. Etrade bank
Its not actually bank account but it allows nonresidents to open a brokerage account for trading stocks.
this brokerage account comes with a bank account. powered by www.etradebank.com
To open the account you have to download their application form with proper guidelines from online
that can be found
You have to fill this 2 forms up and send to their address specified on the form
within 2 weeks your account will be opened and you will get informed via phone and mail
Will add more on users request via comments…


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My hosting is hostmonster.com. For the requirements are all ok.

1st, Follow the instruction of "INSTALL HOW TO". Do not forget to install ioncube in cp.

2nd, After you complete to install the script, you will find out the following errors as follows when you open you url,
Warning: main(DB.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/xxxxxx/index.php on line 28
> Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'DB.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/bin/pear') in /home1/xxxxxx/index.php on line 28

Then you need to Copy the DB.php file and the /DB directory from /includes to your /public_html/xxxxxx directory.

And also, if you find any directory with the blank page issue, you should do the same thing.

3rd, /admin control panel, the username is admin... and the pwd is gotten when you complete the installation.

4th, When you try to register, there is no submit/next step button, and there is no response when you click "Terms of Service " or "Privacy Policy " at the bottom of the website. Then you should ask the support for help, you will get a file from the support,just upload it, everything will be ok.


How to do? Please refer to the methods of the forums. But please check out the spams.


Here is the solution for Hostmonster IONCUBE Problems installation where you got error message like this when you try to surf:

"Site error: the file /home/admin/public_html/viralinviter/inc/classes/setupclass.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so to be installed by the site administrator"

The solution steps are:-
1. Login to your control panel
2. Choose "PHP Config"
3. Check the box labeled "IonCube" under "Install Default php.ini"
That will place php.ini file with the name of php.ini.default in your public_html folder.
Second, you need to place "php.ini.default" into whichever folder you need IonCube installed and rename it from "php.ini.default" to
You can do that using the file manager, ftp or ssh.
5. Edit php.ini file using file manager---choose php.ini file---edit it using utf-8 format and at the line shows:-



Change it to:-



6. Save and exit editor.
7. From ioncube folder copy this two files:-

'ioncube-loader-helper.php' and 'ioncube-encoded-file.php'

8. Paste those files in folder /home/admin/public_html/viralinviter/inc/classes/
9. Try surf again yourdomain.com/viralinviter , it should works now.


Cost per click - the cost or cost-equivalent paid per click-through.
Google Adsense
Yahoo Publisher Network (Beta)
Revenue Pilot

Cost per thousand impressions
Tribal Fusion
Casale Media
ValueClick Media/FastClick
Buds Ad Network
24/7 Real Media
Mamma Media Solutions
Ad pepper Media
Accelerator Media

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Tired of working hard for months but hard to reach the payment limit? Here is list of the programs without a payment limit. You don’t need to worry out the payment limit. Request money whenever you want.
QuickRewardsNo minimum payout via PayPal, other payment options are gift cards, prizes;Get paid to read emails and clicks, tons of clicks available, don’t forget the several $0.01 clicks and offers on the homepage. Get paid to shop online and earn a reasonable cashback.Easy daily offers and surveys worth $0.30-$1.00 each are sent out to your emails. Can be taken as a no minimum payout PTC. QuickRewards Network allows only members from United States, Canada and United Kingdom to participate in.
TiredofbuxNo minimum payout via PayPal, $1 payout via AlertPay.Payments are made fast within one or two days.Get paid to read $0.01 emails, click $0.01 ads, exchange links and more. Can be taken as a no-minimum payout PTC program.
DonkeyMailsNo minimum E-gold Payout! Low $1 LibertyReserve , Paypal and Alertpay Payout! Payouts will be made each 2 weeks mostly!PTP: 75c/1000. No min for egold, $1 min for Paypal.Earn Reading Our Daily eMails, get Paid for Clicking on ads, get Paid for sign-ups more then $250 to earn + Daily New offers!Complete tasks with the toolbar and earn moneyGet Paid To Promote $0.75 per 1,000 Credits!5 Referral levels of commission: 5% 4% 3% 2% 1%
MatrixMails No minimum payout for the offer and surveys, payout several times a monthGet paid to read emails and clicks.Get paid to complete online offers and surveys.
bestgetpaidNo-minimum payout via PayPal / eGold / Moneybookers weeklyGet paid to read e-mails, click ads, complete offers3 referral levels of commission: 15%, 10%, 5%
nominpayoutGet paid to Read, Click, Sign-up, Refer!No Minimum Payout (Monthly Payout) to your E-gold and MoneyBookers account, $0.50 minimum payout for PayPalPoints are converted to cash monthly!International Affiliates are Welcome!Earn 1 referral level of commission: 7%
earn2getherGet paid to complete toolbar offersNO minimum payout via LivertyReserve
UniqPaidNO Minimum payout !!!Get Paid for Signup Offers: $0.10-$1.00 !!New members get +10% CASH BONUS for all offers completed today !!Get Paid via E-gold, Paypal, CheckEarn From 3 Referral Levels: 10% 5% 1%
Get Paid ToInternational GPT Site, 100% Free OffersNo minimum payout via PayPal, $5 for a checkPayments within minutes for Verified Users2 Referral Levels: 20%, 5%
CashTroopsInstant & No MinimumUnited States OnlyPayout on minimum via Paypal and instantly5 Referral Levels!
GetPaidzInternational Offers Site, register and get $0.2 immediatelyNO minimum Paypal and AlertPay payoutGet paid on usually more like daily (in 24 hours)Easy 25% Free Offers
Cashle.comEarn money by completing offers !No minimum payout via PayPal, Check, AlertPay, E-Gold, Liberty Reserve, Amazon gift card, Points2Shop pointsDaily payoutGet paid to refer people: $1 per American referral plus 15%, 3%, 2% downline earningsMany extra ways to earn cash.
chillycashEarn legitimate money to take surveys and complete offers!Payments are made automatically via PayPal with no minimum amount limitPayments can be made through lots of other choice: Checks, Visa cards, Gift cards…Earn 20% of your referrals’ earnings
CashGreedyNo minimum payout via PayPalCash out WHENEVER you want!Get paid to complete offers and take surveysEarn up to 3 referral levels: 20% 4% 0.8%
DoEarnPowered by Global-i TechnologiesNo minimum payout via PayPalPayments are made weekly in the weekendGet paid to complete free offers: quotes, downloads, signups, etc.Tons of offers worth at least $0.50 or above
DollarSurveysNo minimum payout via PayPalPayments are made weekly, even dailyMake money by taking surveys and completing offersDon’t need to signup for a membership, just fill in your PayPal email and start to earn money.

Get paid to complete offers or get paid to signup programs pay participants to register for services on sponsor’s websites. If you would like to earn easy and quick money, paid to complete program is your best choice. This is the fast to make your first dollar in the online business. You may reach the minimum payout limit easily in a couple of days and earn hundreds of dollars in the first week.
The list is a collection of the paid offer programs. Take your time and select the best for you.
AnythingFree4YouLaunched November 2006. Free to join with optional upgraded membership available. Open to members from USA or Canada. Get paid to try offers, complete surveys and paid to click. $20 minimum payout via PayPal, check, Obopay and a variety of GiftCards. 1 level of referrals: 10%.
BankRollBucksLaunched October 2007. Free to join. Open to members that are 18+ years old from the USA, UK, AU or Canada. Get paid to complete offers, take surveys, play trivia, click, refer and more. Also offers contests (referral, completions, earnings), promo codes and bonus contests. $5 minimum payout via PayPal, check, Visa Gift Card, Amazon Gift Card, eBay Gift Card or Wal-Mart Gift Card. 4 levels of referrals: 20%, 10%, 5%, 1%.
BigBeachBucksLaunched May 2008. Free to join. Open to International members. $2 signup bonus. Get paid to complete offers, click, take surveys, refer and more. Also offers contests. $10 minimum payout via check, PayPal or Walmart Gift Card. 3 levels of referrals: 10%, 3%, 2%.
Cash4CruisesBecame a sister site to AdPaid.com as of January 2009. Free to join. Open to USA, Canada, UK. Must be 18+ years old. $2 signup bonus. Get paid to complete offers, take surveys, refer and more. $15 minimum payout via PayPal net 30. Also offers check, giftcard payments or Amazon giftcard. 5 level of referrals: 10%, 5%, 3%, 1%, 1%. Support forum for members’ queries.
CashCrateLaunched February 2006. Free to join. Get paid to complete free offers. You must be at least 13 years old. Members from the United States and other English speaking countries will have the most offers available to them, but members from other countries are welcome as well. $20 minimum payout via check. Payments are processed by the 20th of the following month. 2 levels of referrals: 20% and 10%. Support forum for members queries. As of April 2006, over $30,000 paid out!
CashGreedyLanched 2006. International offer site. Get paid to complete offers and take surveys. No minimum payout via PayPal. Cash out WHENEVER you want! Earn up to 3 referral levels: 20% 4% 0.8%
CashleLanched 2007. Earn money by completing offers! Get $0.5 bonus when you become veried. Many extra ways to earn cash. No minimum payout via PayPal, Check, AlertPay, E-Gold, Liberty Reserve, Amazon gift card, Points2Shop points. Daily payout. Get paid to refer people: $1 per American referral plus 15%, 3%, 2% downline earnings.
CashTroopsEarn money by completing free offers. Open to United States Only. Need to be veried by receiving a pin number through an automatic phone. Payments are made with no-minimum policy via PayPal and instantly. 5 Referral Levels!
ChillyCashLanched 2006. Free to join. Earn legitimate money to take surveys and complete offers! Payments are made automatically via PayPal with no minimum amount limit Payments can be made through lots of other choice: Checks, Visa cards, Gift cards… Earn 20% of your referrals’ earnings.
CravingCashLaunched September 2007. Free to join. Open to members from USA and Canada that are 13+ years old. $3 signup bonus. Get paid to complete offers, take surveys, refer and more. Also offers contests. $15 minimum payout via check, money order or verified PayPal NET 20-25. 3 levels of referrals: 15%, 5%, 2%. Earn points in additional to cash to redeem for gift cards, electronics, cash and more. Runs on ShiftCode scripts. Support forum for members queries.
CreationsRewardsLaunched September 2000. Free to join. Earn points for completing a variety of tasks including visiting websites, signing up for offers, playing trivia, paid emails, online shopping, referring and more. Points can be converted to gift certificates (for Amazon, Disney Dollars, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Target), WebCertificates, cash via check or PayPal. Redemptions start at 250 points for advertising (175 website visits) and 1000 points for $5 (via PayPal). Earn 100 points for each new active member (member must earn 200 points) that you refer to CreationsRewards. Limit of one (1) account per person (13+ or under 18 with permission). Maximum of four (4) accounts per household (each user must have their own IP address). You must earn at least 1 point within a three month period and at least 1 point every three months afterwards or be deleted for inactivity. Membership available USA & Canada. Member forum for support issues. Backups done daily.
CupidCashLaunched September 2007. Formerly cupidcash.net. Welcomes members from the USA, UK and Canada, 18 years of age and older. $3 sign-up bonus. Get paid to signup for offers, play games, trivia and contests. $10.00 minimum payout via money order, PayPal, RevolutionMoneyExchange or virtual gift card. Payments generated during the current month will be automatically sent to you within 35 days of the end of the month in which you earned them. 2 levels of referrals: 15%, 5%. $0.25 referral bonus for every direct referral. Must login every 60 days and be at least 25% as active as your downline to get commission from downline clicks. Support forum available for members queries. Runs on CashCrusader scripts. CashCrusader script license has been verified as being registered. At time of review, program has a financially sustainable ad pricing structure in place.
DealBarbiePaysLaunched April 2006. Free to join with optional upgraded membership available. Open to 18+ year old members from the USA only. Get paid to signup for offers and shop. Also offers games, cash drawings, contests and promo codes. $20 minimum payout on a net 20 basis via Verified Paypal, Check and a variety of GiftCards. 2 levels of referrals: 20%, 10%. Support forum available.
DiscoDollarsLaunched April 2007. Free to join. Open to members that are 18+ years old from the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom. Get paid to complete offers, take surveys, try out products or services, shop, refer and more. Also offers contests. $10 minimum payout via PayPal, check or numerous gift cards paid on a NET35 basis for prior month’s earnings. Earn 1-20 disco balls for every qualified offer you complete. Redeem these for cash, giftcards, and other prizes. 2 levels of referrals: 18%, 2%. Support forum for members queries.
DoEarnPowered by Global-i Technologies. Get paid to complete free and easy offers: quotes, downloads, signups, etc. No minimum payout via PayPal. Payments are made weekly in the weekend. Tons of offers worth at least $0.50 or above.
earn2getherLaunched October 2001 with 835676 members now. Claimed to be a online money-making community. Earn2gether is probably the only company that works on toolbar offers. You need to download a toolbar for your IE to start earning. The toolbar gives you insturctions and clues on how to complete an offer successfully. Offers are usually worth $0.20 or more. NO minimum payout via LivertyReserve. Other payment tools include PayPal and AlertPay. Get paid easy $0.2 for completing their instruction offer in 1 miniute.
FireHouseOffersLaunched March 2008. Free to join with optional upgraded membership available. Open to United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, The Netherlands. Must be 18+ years old. $5 & 5 helmets (points) signup bonus. Get paid to complete offers, take surveys, refer, click, shop and more. Daily Trivia. Daily Surveys. Promo codes. Jack Pot. Contests. $20 minimum payout via PayPal, money order or Gift Card net 35. Helmets can be used for getting gift cards etc and these can be found in the helmet rewards on the top menu. 3 levels of referrals: 15%, 5%, 2%. Support forum for members’ queries.
FreebiesJunctionLaunched July 2007. Formerly Pickuploot.com underwent change of domain October 2007. Free to join. Open to members from the United States, Australia, Canada, Denmark, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom that are 18+ years old and are not a GPT Owner. $3/5-point signup bonus. Get paid to complete offers, take surveys, shop, click, refer and more. $20.00 minimum payout via check net 35. Also offers Amazon E-Gift Card, TextPayMe, Apple Ipod Shuffle, Target Virtual Gift Card. Points are redeemable for upgrades, referrals and/or gift cards. 1 level of referrals: 18%. Support forum for members queries.
Get Paid ToInternational GPT Site, 100% Free Offers. Get paid to complete offers and take surveys. Over 2000 free cash offers worth over $5000. Earn $0.5 signup bonus. No minimum payout via PayPal, $5 for a check. Payments within minutes for Verified Users. Call them to leave your user information to get verified. 2 referral Levels available: 20%, 5%.
GetPaidTonightLaunched September 2006. Free to join with optional Gold membership available. International members are welcome to join. Get paid to signup or register for offers/freebies. Signup for offers listed in the GetPaidTonight category and get paid the same day - no minimum. Other categories of signups require a $1 minimum payout within 30 days. Payments are made via E-Gold or PayPal. 1 level of referrals: 10%.
GPTCashCowSister site to BlazingReferrals. Free to join. Open to International members. Get paid to take surveys, click, complete offers, submit emails or zip codes, sign up for free trials, or place orders at some of your favorite places. Over 800 offers. 6 milkshakes signup bonus. Milkshakes are points you accumulate and trade in for rewards. Collect reward milkshakes and trade in for gift cards. 1 milkshake = $0.50. $5 minimum payout via check, PayPal or money order on a net 30 basis. 3 levels of referrals: 20%, 5%, 2%. Must complete a minimum of 3 offers to be eligible for cashout. Support forum available. Bonuses and promo codes given out in forum.
GptreasureLanched in 2006. Welcomes international members. Get paid to complete offers. Tons of offers are categorized by countries. If you didn’t pass an offer, just clear your cookies and redo it with another email address. Refer members and get $0.1 bouns. NO minimum payout via PayPal. Payments are made weekly and automatically. You don’t need to request the payments.
GPTOffersLaunched January 2007. Free to join with optional upgraded membership available. Welcomes International members. Get paid to complete offers, click, take surveys and shop freebies. Sign up for free trial programs to earn even more income. Also offers cash prizes from earnings contests. 2 levels of referrals: 20%, 5%. Earn $0.1 automatically once your referral completes their first offer. Get paid once a month via AlertPay ($1.00 minimum) and PayPal ($5.00 minimum). Support forum available.
InboxDollarsLanched 2000. InboxDollars is one of the oldest GPT programs. Open to international members. Earn $5 bouns for signup after completing an easy survey. Get paid to read daily emails and complete offers, take surveys, play games and shopping online! At least 3 emails a day, each worth 2 cents. Emails usually contain offers and surveys. Signup for a 30 day free trial membership of equifax will bring you $10. The minimum payment is $30 by check. Payments are made monthly. Earn an extra $5 for referring a new member.
IntoffersOpen to international members. Get paid to complete easy and tiny offers and click ads! Offers are worth $0.1 to $0.5. You need to paste the confirmation email with your username to get paid. No Minimum Payout via Liberty Reserve, $1 via PayPal or AlertPay. Payments are made fast usually within 24 hours and sometimes in 1 hour. Earn 3 referral levels of commission: 15%, 3%, 2%. Offers are not so much, but it’s a good choice if you need some quick LR ( This probably the easiest way to earn quick Liberty Reserve)or AlertPay money.
IWantFreeGiftsLaunched October 2007. Free to join. Welcomes members from USA, Canada and UK. Get paid to complete offers. Choose the gift you would like, register for a free account and then complete the required amount of offers to be able to redeem that gift. Each offer has points associated with it so you will see how many points you will receive for doing each offer and be able to keep track of how many additional points you will need to redeem your gift. Gifts are sent within 30 days after the end of the month in which they were requested. Gift redemptions start as low as 15 points. Gifts include such items as DVDs, CDs, Books, Digital Cameras, Giftcards and more with free shipping and no obligations. Refer a member and earn .5 points when they complete their first offer. Plus get 12% of what they earn. Runs on ShiftCode scripts. Support forum available for members queries.
MatrixMailsLaunched 2002. Get paid to read emails and clicks. Get paid to complete offers and online surveys. No minimum payout for the offer and surveys, $2 payout for emails and clicks. Payments are made several times a month via PayPal and AlertPay. Earn up to 6 ref Levels. (1st level 20%, 2nd level 10%, 3rd level 8%, 4th level 6%, 5th level 4%, 6th level 2%)
MechanicalTurkPowered by Amazon. Complete simple tasks that people do better than computers. And, get paid for it. Choose from thousands of tasks, control when you work, and decide how much you earn. Payments can be made to your bank account, or in the form of Amazon Gift Certificates. No referral program.
NetQuerLaunched October 2005. Free to join. Available internationally. Get paid to complete PreTasks, Tasks and Paid Clicks. 2 levels of referrals: 10%, 5%. No minimum payout via WebMoney or MoneyBookers. Backups done weekly. Support forum available for members’ queries.
NoMinPayoutGet paid to Read, Click, Sign-up, Refer, etc.! No Minimum Payout (Monthly Payout) to your E-gold and MoneyBookers account, 0.50 minimum payout for PayPal. Points are converted to cash monthly! International Affiliates are Welcome! Earn 1 referral level of commission: 7%.
OffersInWebLaunched May 2006. Free to join. Open to US and Canadian members over 13 years of age. Get paid to click, sign up for offers such as online services, music and video clubs, shopping, books, credit cards and more. 1 level of referrals: 10%. $2 minimum payment for paid offers and 10¢ minimum payment for paid clicks via E-gold or MoneyBookers. Payments are processed on the twentieth of each month for the previous month’s earnings.
OnapaidLanched 2009. Quite new GPT program. Free membership and $0.1 signup bonus. Welcomes international members. Earn a minimum $0.10 per offer. The minimum payout limit is $1 through AlertPay, Liberty Reserve, or Perfectmoney. Payments are made fast usually within 24 hours. Earn 1 referral levels of commission: 10%.
Points2ShopLaunched June 2007. Sister site to Cashbackspot. Open to members that reside in the United States, United Kingdom or Canada. Earn points for shopping, doing surveys and referring. Redeem points directly at Amazon.com - orders are sent daily. You are eligible for Free Shipping on orders $25 or above and all items in the cart must be eligible for free shipping. 3 levels of referrals: 15% 3% 2%. You will also get $0.50 when a USA referral verifies by phone and another $0.50 which will give you $1.00 total. Withdraw that cash no minimum via PayPal or E-Gold, $5 via check or $10 via Amazon. Support forum for members queries. Also offers support via IM and even live support.
QuickRewardsLaunched December 2002. Free to join. Only accepts members from USA and Canada. Get paid to visit sites, read emails, shop online in over 850+ online stores, daily signups, daily trivia, signups, trials, surveys and much more. Points convert to 10 points = 1¢ cash. Sends 1 paid email per day. NO MINIMUM payout anytime via Verified Paypal within 24 hours. Earn Paypal, Disney Dollars, Gift certificates such as Amazon, Circuit City and others. 1 level of referrals. REF points are referral points. You can earn them by POINTS PER CLICK, reading email or referring friends. 10 ref points comes out to 1¢.
SebuxLaunched October 2007. Free to join with optional upgraded membership available. Available to Internationals however most of the offers are only available to members from USA, UK, or Canada. Get paid to click, complete offers, sign up for free trials, refer, fill out surveys and more. $1 minimum payout via PayPal (verified only) or E-gold. Payments are made weekly. 2 levels of referrals: 15%, 7%.
SitHomeCashLaunched April 2007. Free to join with optional upgraded membership available. Welcomes members from USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Europe (in general), Ireland, Israel, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russian Federation, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Virgin Islands. Get paid to click, signup for offers, take surveys and refer. Also offers contests and promo codes. $10 minimum payout via Verified Paypal by the 20th of next month unless EXPEDITED (5 Business Days). Also offers $20 expedited PayPal withdrawal, Money Order, or a $30 Reloadable I.C.E. (brand) Visa Gift Card. 3 levels of referrals: 20%, 2%, 1%.
SparkleDollarsLaunched May 2007. Free to join with optional upgraded membership available. Open to International members that are 18+ years old. $1 signup bonus. Get paid to complete offers, take surveys, shop, click, refer and more. 3 levels of referrals: 14%, 4%, 2%. $0.50 for each referral that completes at least one offer. $5.00 minimum payout via Paypal withdrawal and $10.00 to request a money order withdrawal. Runs on ShiftCode scripts. Support forum available.
SquishyCashLaunched March 2007. Free to join. Welcomes International members. $3 signup bonus. Get paid to signup for offers and shop. When completing offers, you will receive both real money and casino chips. These chips can be turned in for prizes. $20 minimum payout on a net 20 basis via Verified Paypal, check and Amazon.com Virtual Gift Account . Standard payments are sent once a month and are fee-free. Also offers daily payouts subject to a 33% transaction fee. 3 levels of referrals: 20%, 5%, 2%. Support forum available.
SunshineRewardsLaunched January 2006. Free to join with optional Super Membership available. Open to members from USA and Canada that are 18+ years of age. $2 signup bonus. Get paid to read, click, take surveys, shop, play games, signup for offers and more. $20 minimum payout via PayPal or $10 via various gift cards/certificates. 1 level of referrals: earn $2 per active referral who earns at least $5. Support forum available.
SurfBountyLaunched October 2005. Available to the USA only. Members are paid to participate in offers on the SurfBounty.com network. Some offers are of absolutely no cost to members while some others might have costs involved on a purely optional basis. A one-time $5 sign up bonus is credited to new member accounts, to be paid out when a member reaches the network minimum requirement based on the terms and agreement. Cash earned into your membership account is only eligible for payout 30 days after it was added to your account. Earnings less than 30 days old are not eligible for payout. Once your membership account balance has reached fifty US dollars ($50 USD) or more of eligible (at least 30 days old) earnings, you can request to receive payment of the eligible (at least 30 days old) earnings. Once you request a payment, your account balance will be decremented by your payment amount. Payments are sent by cheque at the beginning of the month immediately following the month in which the payment was requested. Other conditions may apply. See website for complete details.
Surveys-R-UsLaunched March 2008. Taken over by current owner as of June 2008. Sister site to Surveys-R-UsII. Free to join with optional upgraded membership available. Open to USA only. Get paid to take surveys, click, complete offers, submit emails or zip codes, sign up for free trials, or place orders at some of your favorite places. Over 500 offers. Lots of contests and promo codes. $2 signup bonus. $10 minimum payout via check, PayPal or Amazon Virtual GC on a net 30 basis. 5 referral levels: 15%, 5%, 3%, 2%, 1%.
TreasureTrooperLaunched June 2005. Free to join. Get paid to signup for free offers, take online Surveys and free trials; request Free Information about a product, company, etc; Other offers include: Credit Cards that require a purchase or balance transfer; Free Trials with Shipping & Handling; Internet Casino; Cash back from over 100 online stores ranging from .5% to 10%. The free offers generally range from $0.50 to $10 and $15 to $20 with the credit cards. Various contests and games available. Treasure Trooper pays at the middle of each month via check. You have to make a minimum of $10 to receive payment. 2 referral levels available: 20% and 5%.
UniqPaidInternational online rewards program. Earn money for completing free offers, reading emails, completing paid tasks and paid surveys, visiting sites, online shopping, and referring friends. Earn extra 10% CASH BONUS for each offer completed during the first day after registration. 10% from ALL Advertisers’ deposits for the duration of the Advertisers’ activity in the program. No minimum payment amount to get paid via PayPal or E-Gold on the twentieth of each month for the previous month’s earnings. . $5 payout via check. 3 levels of referrals: 10%, 5%, 1%.
UniqueRewardsLaunched October 2002. Sister site to UniqPaid. Only accepts U.S. and Canadian members. Members earn real cash for completing free cash offers, completing a sign-up for an advertiser’s site, visiting advertisers web sites, reading e-mails, shopping online and by referring friends and family. 10% bonus for all actions completed during the first 2 days after registration in our program. $20 minimum payout via PayPal or check paid on a weekly basis, each Monday. 3 referral levels: 10%, 5%, 1%. $1.00 for every active referral! A member is considered active if he has earned $5.00 (or more).

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Affiliate networks list - part 1 We’ve shared this resources to our vistors.
Find niche website ideas at these affiliate networks
One way to find good ideas for niche websites is by joining small affiliate networks and CPA networks and hunting for niches which don’t have many competitors.
Affiliate networks and CPA networks are free to join.
They can be hard to find. They sometimes call themselves names like “marketing solutions provider”, “pay-for-performance network”, “cost-per-action advertising network”, or even “performance-based online marketing services company”.
Affiliate networks provide pay-per-lead (PPL), pay-per-sale (PPS), pay-per-action (PPA) - sometimes called cost per action (CPA) - and pay-per-click (PPC) offers from merchants that you promote on your web site or in your newsletter.
Some affiliate networks allow almost anyone to join. Others insist your site must receive a certain number of visitors.
Some let you see a directory of the merchants in the network before you join. Others show you their list of offers only after you join.
Some of the very small “affiliate networks” mainly just bundle up other affiliate networks’ offers.
The 5 big affiliate networks
Commission JunctionProbably the most popular affiliate network, Commission Junction also has its share of critics. Finding and joining an appropriate affiliate program is easy. CJ also makes things easy for affiliates by consolidating all payouts into one check. It displays EPC (which to CJ rather oddly means “earnings per 100 clicks”, not earnings per click). CJ is owned by ValueClick, which merged with Be Free.
LinkShareLinkShare has more than 600 merchants in its affiliate network. Choose from categories such as books, music, flowers, fashion, computers, etc. You’ll find some big name companies here, including Dell, Nordstrom, Target, Disney and American Express. LinkShare is owned by Rakuten, which also owns the controversial OneCause toolbar.
ClickBankOffers a huge array of downloadable products, mainly ebooks. Because it is cheap and easy for merchants to join, the quality of the products provided varies enormously, from very good to downright awful. It’s a popular place to search for overlooked niches.
Google Affiliate NetworkHighly professional site with some well known brands. Clients include: America Online, Blair Corp., Bose, CompUSA, Eddie Bauer, HP Shopping, Kohl’s, L.L.Bean, PC Connection, RedEnvelope, Verizon Wireless, and more than 200 others. Formerly called Performics, which was bought by DoubleClick, which was bought by Google.
ShareaSaleA large network with plenty of programs to search through - pay-per-sale, pay-per-lead, and pay-per-click programs. More than 700 merchants. It took over FineClicks.com. Many affiliates praise this network because of its pro-affiliate and anti-parasite attitude. Highly recommended.

Affiliate networks list - part 2
Find niche website ideas at these affiliate networks
One way to find good ideas for niche websites is by joining small affiliate networks and CPA networks and hunting for niches which don’t have many competitors.
Popular affiliate networks
Affiliate WindowProfessional, UK-based affiliate network. Provides more than 200 merchants to choose from, including well known brands. Offers affiliate programs for web sites running in UK pounds, US dollars and Euros. There are no minimum traffic requirements. “We are fully aware that the low traffic website of today might grow to become what we call premiere partner tomorrow,” Affiliate Window says.
AzoogleAdsThis mainly performance-based ad network pays out more $3 million a month. It has more than 100 advertisers, including large companies. It promises “guaranteed highest CPA payouts” and fanatical customer support. Most of your site’s traffic must orignate within the US and Canada and you must receive more than 25,000 impressions a month.
PayDotComMike Filsaime’s fast-growing ClickBank competitor, for physical products and digital products, with a number of features that ClickBank doesn’t have. PayDotCom has more than 400,000 affiliates.
Affiliate FuelSmall affiliate-friendly affiliate network with a laudable anti-scumware policy. You need to have a United States or Canadian-based web site and a minimum of 2,000 unique visitors a day.
Click2SalesClick2Sales is a ClickBank competitor with no set-up fees. Vendors can list digital and physical products and subscription products such as membership sites. It offers advanced tracking. Worth keeping an eye on.
clixGaloreA large affiliate network offering more than 2,450 programs. All applicants are accepted immediately, automatically.
MaxBountyA cost-per-action network launched in 2004 by JP Sauve, who as an affiliate and merchant was disgruntled by the small payouts made to affiliates by the networks. MaxBounty promises “the highest CPAs in the market”. It accepts affiliates from all countries, and pays affiliates in their local currency from local banks, to avoid large check fees. Payments are consolidated into one check. It has added Sub-ID tracking so that affiliates can track which of their surfers signed up for what offer. This is popular with reward site affiliates. MaxBounty allows merchants to run their own affiliate program in an open marketplace format described as similar to that of the big three networks, only at a much more affordable price. Worth keeping an eye on.
ModernClickKeith Baxter’s ModernClick affiliate network, launched in 2006, offers a wide range of products to promote in dozens of different categories. Tracking is by DirectTrack. It has pay per lead, pay per sale and some pay per click offers. You don’t have to own a website when you apply.
Panthera NetworkPanthera Network makes very bold claims. It says it is the “best affiliate network in the world”. It guarantees the “top payout” for any offer advertised. Even better, if you see a higher payout on any other affiliate network, Panthera Network offers to beat the listed payout by 5%. You can choose from over 100 offers to promote. Consolidated commission checks are paid monthly on a net 15 basis for leads generated in the previous month. Has mainly pay per lead programs. Tracking is by DirectTrack. Worth keeping an eye on.
Pepperjam Networkwas launched in January 2008 by Pepperjam, a U.S. Internet marketing agency that has more than 100 employees. On launch day, it had dozens of advertisers, including well known brands and exclusive clients. Offers datafeeds and a chat facility for merchants and affiliates. This is a very serious attempt to compete with the big affiliate networks. Pepperjam’s founder and CEO is Kris Jones. Recommended.
Trade DoublerBig European network with hundreds of affiliate programs from that region. Anyone who has a web site can join.
IncentaclickA parasite-free affiliate network with “Smart” tracking and hundreds of offers. They say their Smart tracking enables you to earn higher returns.
UKaffiliatesMore than 350 affiliate programs to choose from, including some big brands.

Affiliate networks list - part 3
Find niche website ideas at these affiliate networks
One way to find good ideas for niche websites is by joining small affiliate networks and CPA networks and hunting for niches which don’t have many competitors.
More affiliate networks
AdFishA performance-based affiliate network. You have to join to see the offers.
AdreportingCPM, CPC and CPA offers.
AdvaliantA performance based affiliate network.
Ads4doughCPA network pays weekly. Promises tools not available on any other network.
AdsMarketHas CPA, CPL, CPC and revenue-share arrangements. It says it has a vast global customer base.
AdteractiveOffers are available to large interactive publishers, networks, and interactive agencies. It says it has paid out tens of millions of dollars.
Advertising Revenue ServicePay-for-performance campaigns - “per click, per sale, per join, per lead and more”.
Advertising.comIn 2004, Advertising.com, which is owned by AOL, launched an affiliate network. It operates in the UK, US, France, Germany and Scandinavia. Only successful applicants get to see what’s offering.
ADXDirectA Baltimore-based ad network offering all the major pricing models: CPM, CPC, CPL, CPA and CPV. Has big name clients.
AdZactaHas exclusive offers, premium brands and “highest payouts”.
AffiliateerA CPA network which has some big name advertisers.
AffiliatorAffiliator is part of Swedish-based Getupdated Group and has offices in several countries.
AffiliopolisPromises top converting campaigns and video hosted exclusives. Will wire commissions to your bank account.
Agami MediaA performance-based network providing a variety of pay per sale and pay per lead offers.
AffiliatebotIf you have a web site, you can join. Affiliatebot consolidates payments into one check.
Affiliate CopOffers a variety of pay-per-lead offers. Welcomes international webmasters.
AffiliatefutureA UK affiliate network offering a wide variety of affiliate companies and products you can promote, including a number of well known brands. Looks good.
AffiliatenetworkSites must have more than 3,000 unique visitors a month. Sites must be based in USA, Canada, UK, The Netherlands, Denmark or Sweden.
AffiliatorLaunched in 2006. Appears to have a small selection of offers.
AfformA UK “pay by performance” network carrying pay per click, per lead and per sale offers. You can see the network average EPC (earnings per click) before running a placement.
Amped MediaHas hundreds of pay-per-lead offers covering a wide variety of topics, and some pay-per-sale offers.
AvantLinkAvantLink, launched late in 2005, is a parasite-free, innovative affiliate network ” developed by and for affiliate marketing professionals”. It which offers merchants three datafeed options. It provides sophisticated tools for merchants. It provides dozens of offers for affiliates. Worth watching.
Buy.atA UK affiliate network with offers from well known brands.
CanadianSponsorsCanadianSponsors is an affiliate network that specializes in CPL (cost-per-lead) and CPA (cost-per-action) advertising. Your website or portion of website must target the Canadian consumer.
CheckMyStatsProvides a wide variety - more than 80 - offers for you to promote, mainly pay-per-lead. Pays via PayPal.
CibleclickPopular in French-speaking countries. Here’s the English language sign-up form.
ClickagentsA performance-based online advertising network comprised of a compact group of large vertical sites and top portals. Not for small sites!
ClickBoothClickbooth, a division of IntegraClick, says it handles extremely large volume and, “as a result, we take the smallest margins and offer the highest payouts in the industry”. You have to sign up to see the offers.
ClickXchangeHas offers from more than 200 merchants. There are no minimum traffic requirements for affiliates. Offers include per sale, per lead and per click. Advertisers pay for what they want, including leads, clicks and sales. Geo filtering is supported. ClickXchange doesn’t charge any setup fees. It just asks advertisers for a $500 escrow balance to start from which affiliate commissions are drawn. From there advertisers pay as they go. ClickXchange sends the affiliates their checks monthly. Commission is 30% of the affiliates’ earnings. ClickXchange says it has a large number of affiliates.
CommissionSoupThis affiliate network specializes in providing credit related products.
Commission ShoreNo minimum traffic requirement. Consolidates payments into one check or payment via PayPal.
CopeacCopeac affiliate network says it reaches more than 100 million consumers a month. It is a division of Intermark Media.
CoProsperAn affiliate network with a variety of offers. Will pay top affiliates daily.
CPA EmpirePromises weekly payments, real-time reporting and live customer service. CPA Empire says that in only six months its monthly payouts to affiliates were topping $600,000. You need a minimum of 3,000 unique page views a month. It includes some “adult” offers. In March, 2005, Optinrealbig.com, which owns CPAEmpire, was forced into bankruptcy by a $40 million lawsuit. Tread carefully!
CPAQualityPromises quality offers for quality affiliates.
CPA StormHas hundreds of offers, including exclusives. Has some big name merchants.
Cunna.comA CPA network.
CyberbountyHas a wide variety of big name, high quality, high paying “cost per action” sponsors. High tech control panel, live stats. Includes a free fully maintained freebie website and referral program.
DarkBlueDarkBlue offers more than 130 affiliate programs. It has an unusual operating method which it says allows it to pay some of the best CPA commissions on the Internet. Payouts are consolidated into one payment.
DirectLeadsPay-per-click, pay-per-lead and pay-per-sale offers. In January, 2006, the company was bought was Digital River.
eAdvertising.comA CPA (cost-per-action) or pay-for-performance network. Sites must be from the US or Canada and must have a minimum of 2,000 unique visitors per day. Exceptions will be considered for highly targeted traffic. Says its payouts on average are 15% to 25% higher than those of other major networks but you can’t see the details until after you’ve joined.
eAffiliatezA pay for performance network offering a variety of programs.
eComLeadsHas a number exclusive offers, especially in the loans niche.
Emagin AdBankBased in Kuala Lumpur, Emagin AdBank is an affiliate network run by Asians for Asia. It is expanding into India and China.
EnvisionAdsA pay-for-performance ad network with dozens of pay-per-sale and pay-per-lead offers. Many countries are excluded. Check the application form before you apply.
Epurple MediaHas a small number of products you can promote.
ExtremerevenueA pay-for-performance ad network.
FilinetClaims to be the Internet’s fastest growing affiliate network. You have to apply through a tiresome multi-step application process.
FineClicksA variety of offers. A minimum of 75% of all traffic produced must be U.S. traffic. Short links are provided for newsletter publishers. FineClicks is owned by Shareasale.
FlexOffersHas a wide variety of offers. Provides datafeeds. From the owners of CardOffers.com.
Floppybank Affiliate NetworkAd network offers CPC, CPA and sales lead commission programs, with a central administration and paycheck system.
FluxAdsHas a variety of CPA offers.
FusionQuestDid you wonder what happened to FreeFiliate? It became FusionQuest.
GetAdsAd agency.
GMB TrackPromises exclusive offers.
Hydra NetworkHydra Networkwork, a performance-based advertising network set up in 2003, has a large variety of offers.
icommissions.comHas pay-per-lead offers for credit cards, health services, financial services and legal services.
IncentRewardOffers dozens of CPA campaigns in a variety of niches. Various payment choices including via Payoneer prepaid MasterCard, which can be used globally.
IronOffersYet another one! Launched 2007.
JointsalesA network with a small number of offers. Easy to join.
KolimboA network of hundreds of merchants using My Affiliate Program affiliate tracking software by KowaBunga Technologies to run their affiliate programs. You can view aggregated stats and join new programs with “one click”.
LeadCrunchLeadCrunch has been acquired by JP Sauve’s MaxBounty.
Lead HoundAnother smallish network. Recently upgraded stats reporting and over a 100 programs makes this worth a look.
LeaderMarketsLeaderMarkets says it has more than 500 offers and more than 26,000 affiliates. It wants U.S. affiliates. In rare cases, foreign affiliates are accepted. Claims to pay the highest commissions, and match them if higher commissions are spotted.
LeadFlashLeadFlash specializes in cash advance programs. Most pay $25 per lead.
LeadGen MarketingWebsite provides few details.
Lead RewardsA cost-per-action network with a three-tier payout program and a three-tier referral program. Webmasters from a long list of countries are excluded.
LinkConnectorLinkConnector offers pay per click, pay per lead and pay per sale programs.
LinkProfits.netExclusive, unadvertised performance-based offers. You must have “adequate” traffic or a sizable opt-in subscriber email list.
LinkRevenue AdsLinkRevenue Advertising is a CPA network. It welcomes sites which have at least 3,000 page views a month.
LinkValuSays is has paid millions of dollars in affiliate payments since 1999.
LynxTrackSays it has unique and exclusive CPA offers. You have to sign up to see what is available.
MarketDrawA CPA network promising high-paying offers and a huge selection of offers. You have to sign up to see what is available.
MarketLeverageA pay-for-performance affiliate marketing network.
MetaRewardYou have to sign up and wait to be contacted to find out more.
MerchantZooMerchantZoo uses a link masking technique which makes it look as though you are using straight links, not affiliate links. You can link to any page on a merchant’s site - handy for linking to the exact product you’re promoting. It has a small number of offers, some rather unusual. Pays monthly via check or PayPal. Easy to join.
Modern Vision MediaA CPA network which says it specializes in providing exclusive offers.
MoreNicheThis affiliate network specializes in weight loss, “make money” products, gambling and adult products.
Motive InteractivePromises “highest payouts” and “top performing offers”.
MyHelpHubWCCL Network promotes self-development tools, Windows utilities, and products for writers and artists, through a network of affiliated sites.
MyRefererHas a variety of offers. Merchants track referrals by both cookie and IP. You can choose encrypted affiliate links if you wish.
Myresellers.comHas a small numbers of offers.
NetPartner.comPromises the highest payouts from a wide range of advertisers and exclusive offers.
NeverBlueAdsSays it has exclusive offers.
OfferrattiJim Lillig’s Offerratti is an exclusive network specializing in “biz opps”. It does daily split testing experiments.
OfferForge SAOfferForge South Africa has about 40 campaigns to choose from.
OfferForge USAHas a few dozen carefully selected offers.
OfferGatewayAccepts “only the highest quality” publishers (affiliates). Says it has unbeatable payouts.
Offer AlliancePromises unique pre-tested offers.
Offer FusionA performance-based (CPA) network. Your site must be geared to US traffic and must receive a minimum of 5,000 unique visitors a month.
OffersQuestThis revenue sharing network provides a variety of offers. Merged with Puzz.com. You need a minimum of 3,000 unique page views a month.
OfferWebA cost-per-action network providing a wide variety of offers, including exclusive offers. Consolidates payouts into one monthly check or PayPal payment. Claims to be the fastest growing affiliate network on the Internet. You need only 100 visitors a month.
Paid On ResultsSpecializes in U.K. merchants. Has well over 100 merchants listed. “No spyware/adware” policy. Provides datafeeds.
Partner2ProfitWeight loss, finance, and other offers.
Partner WeeklyA CPA network which pays its affiliates weekly by check or via PayPal.
PayAffHas a small number of offers.

Affiliate networks list - part 4
Find niche website ideas at these affiliate networks
One way to find good ideas for niche websites is by joining small affiliate networks and CPA networks and hunting for niches which don’t have many competitors.
More affiliate networks
PrimaryAdsA “pay for performance” network that specializes in cost-per-action advertising. It has pay-per-lead and pay-per-sale programs. Campaigns include text links, banners and HTML advertisements. Dozens of offers to choose from.
RedGaloshesA small affiliate network with a group of about 20 merchants, paying 10% residual commission, mainly on such things as bridal gear, gifts, jewelry, apparel and accessories.
ReferBackOffers high-paying commissions on a small number of online casino affiliate programs. Numerous tools and resources to assist affiliates.
RegNow oneNetworkA large variety of software which your visitors can download and try before they buy. The RegNow Affiliate Network offers screensavers, Solitaire games, flight simulations, security products, every kind of utility, etc.
RevenueAdsPromises best offers, top payouts, large inventory of hundreds of offers, all non-incentive. Payments net 15, via FedEx. RevenueAds and IncentReward are owned by LeadVision Media.
Revenue GatewayDozens of CPL and CPA offers, many paying between $1 and $1.50, with some paying considerably more. Has a few exclusive offers. Revenue Gateway rejects affiliates from a long list of countries.
RevenueLoopCalls itself the first transparent affiliate network. Affiliates receive what the advertiser pays, less a service fee of 15% to 25%, depending on volume.
Revenue PilotA pay-per-click network. You earn a percentage when someone performs a search. Revenue Pilot pays only for traffic coming from the US, UK, Canada and Australia.
RextopiaYou have to sign up before you can see what is available.
RocketProfitHas exclusive offers - ringtones, sweepstakes, dating, finance, etc. Its parent company is Atrinsic.
ROI RocketOffers a variety of pay-per-sale programs in a variety of categories. Many of the offers are for U.S. traffic only. It says it pays more than $2 million in commissions each month.
RowiseRowise says the company owns and operates several of the offers in its network, and also tests offers before adding them to the network. You have to sign up before you can see what is available.
Search4ClicksAn education affiliate network specializing in leads for financial aid, scholarships, internships, testing, schools and other educational resources. It has more than 100 college programs available.
SellSharewareOffers various software programs available for people to download and try before they buy.
SearchCactusSearchCactus is a pay-per-click search engine which offers incentives to searchers and also has cost-per-action offers for web site publishers.
ShareBucksHas a small selection of offers.
SitelinkAn Australian based affiliate network.
ShareResultsPromises affiliates and merchants reliable tracking and reporting. “A simple user interface enables affiliate marketers to easily maximize results. Our dedicated affiliate team provides responsive, personalized support to build profitable affiliate relationships,” ShareResults says. Some merchants have been signed up and should appear on the site soon. Worth keeping an eye on.
SpecialOfferCPA programs for magazines and free CDs. 24/7 reporting, monthly payments.
TheUsefulCPA and CPL offers.
TrafficDiffusionAnother affiliate network.
TrafficSynergyAn affiliate network with a great attitude. The people running it have impressive marketing experience. This network is worth keeping an eye on.
Trienta AffiliatesA performance-based Internet marketing network. More than 200 offers.
Turn2OffersPromises high payouts, exclusive offers. Parasite free.
VHMnetworkNew York based network has a variety of pay per lead and pay per sale offers.
Viralytics MediaPromises highest CPA payouts. Has some well known advertisers.
WebgainsHas weekly payments, datafeeds and comprehensive reporting of stats.
WPS Affiliate NetworkA network based in India.
XY7Promises exclusive offers and best payouts.
ZanoxA multiple merchant opportunity directory. Real-time tracking and reporting